lost 4 stone & 6lbs in 4 months and an amazing 41.5 inches
“Sarah Superstar! I can honestly say going to Sarah was life changing. I am back to being sociable and have my confidence back”
After having my son. I started to lump on my weight, one takeaway a week turned into two then three having a baby was a busy period of not eating properly, snacking and skipping meals was a daily routine.
This of course took its toll on my body and I just didn’t feel like me anymore. I had always been a chatty confident person but now I was hibernating and making excuses not to see old work colleagues and friends. I’ve come across lots of people who moan and groan about their weight, but came to the conclusion that only I could do something about it & only I could make the change!
After many silly internet diets, I decided a personal trainer was the way forward. So I took the plunge and emailed Sarah, within a day or so she was sat on my sofa and I was signed up to a commitment of 3 x a week for 3 months.
Don’t get me wrong it was hard work, but boy was it worth it in the end, and I know for a fact I would still be 13stone 10lbs now if I hadn’t gone to Sarah. She is a friend for life and so knowledgeable I learnt so much about food and what to switch in my diet over the three months I was with her.
Having a personal trainer keeps you on track to reach your goals I wanted to get to 10stone but am now 9 stone 2lbs and feel great. The exercise routines Sarah comes up with are fun and never get boring I didn’t want to let her down or myself so continued with the homework exercises I was given.
Having a personal trainer for me meant a life style change, not just exercise but food as well. I continue to exercise regularly and after changing my diet for 3 months I continue to eat healthy and I make sure it’s portioned better.
I would recommend Sarah to anyone and do on a daily basis when people say how great I look.
Thanks Sarah! Xx