Lost 3 stone & 22 inches in 12 months – 8 of those inches lost from his stomach alone!
I have been with Sarah for over 9 years now, the training has been positive with support and constant guidance.
When I first went to see Sarah I was over weight, constantly tired, I had poor sleeping habits and on the wrong side of the health & fitness curve. Sarah has helped me to change my diet, increase my fitness & improve my overall quality of life Sarah is not only a Personal Trainer but a very good friend who is always there with support and advice. If you are serious about fitness, diet and improving your lifestyle please speak to Sarah.
I have also passed my required aviation medicals with flying colours since starting my training and changed my life for the better going on to take part in many tough mudders, the I.O.W 24 hour race, climbed Snowdonia & both the Jurassic & Atlantic coast challenges. I achieved my results & have made my training with Sarah part of my life now